Open doors have always represented new opportunities. Much like the doors in the movie, Monsters Inc, doors are always coming and going. But unlike the movie, in real life, each door gives us a chance to be exposed or challenged by something new!
It can be a little unsettling to think about how many opportunities (or open doors) have been missed over one’s life. Some justifiably, but others simply because of lack of preparation, fear, distractions, or comfort.
Spring gives us a new lease on life and the opportunity to think differently about how we respond to open doors. Additionally, the month of May, by the very nature that this is considered graduation month, has always represented new beginnings. Probably because schools are preparing to close and people at various educational levels are preparing to start new chapters in their lives. If we embrace this meaning, it gives us reason to be excited for what’s to come, either for ourselves, or others.
With each open door, perspective matters. Are you one who embraces change or do you detest change with every fiber of your being? Do you look for the new, or do you settle into old and familiar?
The future is ripe with possibility. Each new day gives everyone of us a chance to try again. We all get new open doors. We all get new opportunities. And we all get to choose how we will respond to each one as it comes up.
The sun is brighter, the days are longer, and the sky is still the limit.
Start looking for your open doors.
Image from Pixabay