Words are so powerful.
Often times we go about our days just talking away. We make statements. We make jokes. We make promises. We make plans. We make judgements. We make accusations. We make excuses…
We can make people feel good and we can make people feel bad. It all depends on what words we choose to use when we speak to or about others.
There’s an old adage, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. For many people, counsel was given to recite or think on this phrase if someone said something mean that hurt one’s feelings.
It’s been proven over time that the scars, damage, and emotional toll that words have on people of all ages, races, and backgrounds has caused emotional and psychological damage that’s hard to overcome. And reciting this sing song phrase didn’t take the pain away. Especially when the damaging words are received from a loved one, or someone held with high regard and trust. Even perfect strangers can ruin someone’s day if the words they use toward them are unkind and hateful.
Before you speak, do you consider how your words are going to impact the recipient? Do you consider the outcome or the consequences your words are going to have on the life of the one those words are directed at?
People are often quick to provide statements about people and situations that they are lightly familiar with, and those words can possibly change that person’s life in a negative, yet profound way.
Words are so powerful.
Words can be used to uplift and encourage others. And words can be used to show support and understanding. Words can do so many positive things.
Words can bring life, or death. It’s completely up to us how we will choose to use our words.
Once we let the words go, we can never take them back. We can edit them, but we can’t delete them.
Choose your words carefully.
Image from Pixabay