Have you ever asked yourself, “How did I get to this particular place where I am in my life?” And if you have, did you wait for the answer? Introspection can be one of your greatest habits.  By doing so, you can assess your professional, spiritual, emotional, financial and intellectual standings and determine whether you are where you would like to be.  If you don’t like where things are currently, you can determine what kind of changes are needed and what are the different decisions that will help you get there.

When situations don’t quite work out the way we planned, it is human nature to look for ways to place the blame on external entities.  We do that because it relieves us of any responsibility.  It may feel good in the moment, but, in reality it only hurts us more in the long run.  Make changes, take action, and measure your progress.  The journey of a thousand miles starts today, and you have the pleasure of determining where you will end up.