There is something invigorating, freeing, and quite powerful about this little word. At the same time, the word, no, can be restrictive, divisive, and isolating. I want to focus on the positive aspect of this word because many of us are already familiar with its negative connotations.

In today’s atmosphere, many of us are struggling with finding our voice and determining what matters most to us as individuals, not as a group. We may feel forced to go along to get along because we don’t want to disappoint or anger those whom we love or want to be associated with.

No matter what the situation involves, whether it’s social issues, the pandemic, religion, or politics, at some point we need to discover, for our own sanity, when to step away from the madness and get clear about our own values, our own interests, and our own perspectives – whether others agree with us or support where we stand or not.

Learning to be comfortable with the word, no, can set you on a path to establishing self-determination, which is the ability a person possesses to control his/her own life. Contrary to popular belief, we each have the ability to choose whether to participate or not participate in the various causes happening around us.

When you exercise the word, no, you are also establishing boundaries. This is important to do to help others understand where you draw the line. Confidence is an outgrowth of taking control over your own space, time, and resources. If you are not one who often uses the word, no, try it.

Start right here by saying it out loud. No! No thank you. No, not now. No, no more. No, I’m done. No, I don’t agree. No, that’s not okay with me. No, I’m not going. No, you’re wrong about me. No, I’ve changed my mind. No, you can’t speak for me. No, no, no.

While the word, no is not always the appropriate response, by adding it to your vocabulary on a regular basis, you will become more balanced, more in control, and more confident. Remember, the word no can bring freedom or bondage, so use it responsibly.

Image by philippe ruaudel by Pixaby