The month of December is a dichotomy.

For some, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday festivities, Christmas lights and decorations, Christmas songs, shopping, traveling, visits with friends and family, food, fellowship, laughter and so on, and son on, and so on. For others, it’s depressing. It churns up painful memories of broken relationships, family bickering, financial woes, resentment of a year gone wrong, or what’s worse, the death of a loved one, or even two or more.

And while these two ends of the spectrum hit us each very differently, we all have an opportunity to change our emotional responses to the negative feelings that have attached themselves to our holiday season: it’s called perspective.

Your perspective is the attitude you attribute to something. And there is a saying that attitude determines altitude. No matter what your current situation is, you can determine to rise above your circumstances. How, you ask? It starts with gratitude.

This month, start each day with reciting the things you are grateful for, beginning with your life and accomplishments, your family that’s still with you, your friends that have been there through thick and thin, your health, your safety, your home, your ability to move freely around the world, or the goal of having more freedom one day. Just start. And as you go along, day by day, your list will become longer and longer, and your attitude can become brighter and brighter!

But it’s up to you. So, let’s lift up our glass for a toast.

Here’s to a better December.

Here’s to a happier December.

Here’s to a grateful you.

It’s all about perspective.

So, from our family to yours, CHEERS to you this holiday season. May each day bring your more laughter, fonder memories, and greater anticipation of brighter days ahead.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay