Our most precious and sacred commitments in our lives, involve providing safe, loving, and growth-minded environments for our families.

Safe: There is no fear of harm. There is no fear of lack. There is no fear of danger. There is no fear of being abandoned. There is no fear of isolation.

Loving: An expectation of being affirmed. An expectation of being forgiven. An expectation of being accepted. An expectation of being respected. An expectation of being celebrated.  An expectation of being supported. An expectation of being comforted.

Growth mindset: Opportunity to try new things. Opportunity to be challenged in skills, knowledge, or creativity. Opportunity to work hard. Opportunity to learn how to figure out problems and press beyond difficult situations. Opportunity to think critically about issues of life. Opportunity to create something. Opportunity to serve others.

While these lists are not exhaustive, they are a great starting point to think about how to best protect those who matter the most to you. There is a West African Proverb that says, the ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. Homes that promote safety, love, and a growth mindset will not be found guilty of ruin.

For additional support to strength your family, please check out our books and services.

Photo by Lisa from Pexels