There is a quote that says, “Part of courage is simple consistency.”

Consistency is defined as an act that is done in the same way over time. One of our biggest challenges is having the willingness to keep doing something over and over, day after day, week after week, and month after month, until we see the results we are looking for.

When you hear the story of someone who has either lost a lot of weight, has had a big break in a business venture, or has become the winner in a reality show competition, the back story is filled with a life story full of repetition and hard work over an extended length of time – years even!

The point is, you too can have whatsoever you put your mind and time towards IF you are willing to be consistent in your efforts. For those of you who find it difficult to maintain the consistency you need, don’t be afraid to ask for help, join a group, or read a book to help you get some momentum going. 

No matter what, just don’t give up. You can do it. Just make the decision one day at a time to stay consistent.