December is always a time to do a year-in-review exercise. That means take stock in what worked for you and what didn’t; assess how you have changed and where you still need to grow;  review what goals you were able to accomplish; and what has still been left undone.

What self-reflection allows for mostly, is a time to determine if you are moving in the right direction.

When we accept that life is not a sprint, but a marathon, we are more apt to be gentle, forgiving, and patient with ourselves when we don’t meet all of our goals or we experience disappointments…or devastation.

December is also a time to evaluate relationships.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of gift-giving (if you participate in that sort of thing), take some time to think about how you and those you are closest to (or spend the most time with) are adding to each other’s lives.

Questions to ask yourself include:

Who are you helping (through mentorship)?

Who is helping you through mentorship, coaching, or counseling?

If you’re married or a parent, how are you supporting and encouraging one another towards self-fulfillment?

The new year is fast approaching, and while we can’t control what is happening around us, we can certainly do our best to address the personal aspects of our lives that may be keeping us from being as fruitful in our endeavors as we’d like.

And, while we cannot change the past, we can certainly do our best to change our future by being reflective about what we choose to work on today. Here’s to a better you tomorrow.

Image from Pixabay