We’re all smiles here at Empower To Engage! During the month of January, we’re celebrating the launch of my BRAND NEW BOOK, Eve, Where Are You?

If you’ve been following my podcast, Eve, Where Are You? you already know that this book is a spin-off from my doctoral dissertation. For those who are newly joining us, please click here to check out the podcast to learn more about this exciting project.

Why a book? I’m glad you asked.

I deeply believed, with great conviction, that the information I gathered as a social science researcher was far too important to allow it to sit in the virtual (and physical) university library, primarily being shared and discussed amongst academic scholars.

The information in Eve, Where Are You? is ripe for anyone seeking to better understand what UNITY requires between men and women. As I like to say, this book is for women who want more and men who want more for women.

Visit www.EveWhereAreYou.com for more information. I invite you to join us in this poignant and timely conversation.


Image by J. ALEXworks